Public API: richmol package


Unit conversion (convert_units)

We use scipy.constants for the reference values of all physcial constants


Converts MHz to \(cm^{-1}\)


Converts Joule to \(cm^{-1}\)


Converts dipole moment form \(Debye\) to international system of units


Converts dipole moment from \(Debye\) to atomic units


Converts dipole moment from \(Debye\) to \(erg^{1/2}*cm^{3/2}\)


Converts product of dipole moment (in \(Debye\)) with field (in \(Volts/meter\)) to \(cm^{-1}\)


Converts product of dipole moment (in \(Debye\)) with field (in \(Volts/meter\)) to \(MHz\)


Converts quadrupole moment form \(Buckingham\) to international system of units


Converts quadrupole moment from \(Buckingham\) to atomic units


Converts quadrupole moment from \(Buckinghom\) to \(erg^{1/2}*cm^{5/2}\)


Converts product of dipole moment (in atomic units) with field (in \(Volts/meter\)) to \(cm^{-1}\)


Converts product of polarizability (in atomic units) with field (in \(Volts^2/meter^2\)) to \(cm^{-1}\)

Molecule-field interaction potential (field)

richmol.field.CarTens([filename, name])

General class for laboratory-frame Cartesian tensor operator

richmol.field.filter(obj, bra, ket[, thresh])

Applies state selection filters to input Cartesian tensor

class richmol.field.CarTens(filename=None, name=None, **kwargs)

General class for laboratory-frame Cartesian tensor operator

  • filename – str Name of the HDF5 file from which tensor data is loaded.

  • name – str Name of the data group in HDF5 file.


Threshold for neglecting matrix elements when reading from file

bra, ketfunction(**kw)

State filters for bra and ket basis sets, take as arguments state quantum numbers, symmetry, and energy, i.e., J, m, k, sym, and enr, and return True or False depending on if the corresponding state needs to be included or excluded form the basis. By default, all states stored in the file are included. The following keyword arguments are passed into the bra and ket functions:

Jfloat (round to first decimal)

Value of J (or F) quantum number


State symmetry


State energy


State assignment in the M subspace, usually just a value of the m quantum number


State assignment in the K subspace, which are the rotational or ro-vibrational quanta joined in a string


Rank of tensor operator.

cartlist of str

Contains string labels of tensor Cartesian components (e.g, ‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’, ‘xx’, ‘xy’, ‘xz’, …)

os[ (omega, sigma) for omega in range(nirrep)

for sigma in range(-omega, omega + 1) ]

List of spherical-tensor indices (omega, sigma), here nirrep is the number of tensor irreducible representations.

Jlist1, Jlist2list

Lists of J quanta, spanned by the bra and ket basis sets, respectively.

symlist1, symlist2dict

List of symmetries, for each J, spanned by the bra and ket basis sets, respectively. Example:

[sym for J in self.Jlist1 for sym in symlist1[J]]
dim1, dim2nested dict

Matrix dimensions of tensor for different J and symmetry, spanned by the bra and ket basis sets, respectively. Example:

[ dim for J in self.Jlist1 for sym in symlist1[J]
  for dim in dim1[J][sym] ]
dim_m1, dim_k1nested dict

Dimensions of M and K tensors for different J and symmetry, spanned by the bra basis. Example:

[ dim for J in self.Jlist1 for sym in symlist1[J]
  for dim in dim_m1[J][sym] ]
dim_m2, dim_k2nested dict

Same as dim_m1 and dim_m2 but for the ket basis.

quanta_m1, quanta_k1nested dict

M and ro-vibrational quantum numbers, respectively, for different J and symmetry, spanned by the bra basis set. The elements of quanta_m1[J][sym] list represent the m quantum number, while the elements of quanta_k1[J][sym] list are tuples (q, enr), where q is the string of ro-vibrational quantum numbers and enr is the ro-vibrational energy (or None). Example:

[ int(m) for J in self.Jlist1 for sym in symlist1[J]
  for m in quanta_m1[J][sym] ]
[ (k, energy) for J in self.Jlist1 for sym in symlist1[J]
  for m in quanta_k1[J][sym] ]
quanta_m2, quanta_k2nested dict

Same as quanta_m1 and quanta_k1 but for the ket basis.

kmatnested dict

K-tensor matrix elements (in CSR format) for different pairs of bra and ket J quanta, symmetries, and irreducible spherical-tensor components. Example:

for (J1, J2), kmat_J in kmat.items():
    for (sym1, sym2), kmat_sym in kmat_J.items():
        for irrep, kmat_irrep in kmat_sym.items():
            # K-subspace matrix elements
            print(type(kmat_irrep)) # scipy.sparse.spmatrix
mmatnested dict

M-tensor matrix elements (in CSR format) for different pairs of bra and ket J quanta, symmetries, irreducible spherical-tensor and Cartesian components. Example:

for (J1, J2), mmat_J in mmat.items()
    for (sym1, sym2), mmat_sym in mmat_J.items():
        for irrep, mmat_irrep in mmat_sym.items():
            for cart, mmat_cart in mmat_irrep.items():
                # M-subspace matrix elements
                print(type(mmat_cart)) # scipy.sparse.spmatrix
mfmatnested dict

M-tensor matrix elements contracted with field. Produced after multiplication of tensor with a vector of X, Y, and Z field values (see field()). Has the same structure as kmat.

symtop_basis: nested dict

Symmetric-top basis representation of wave functions. Present if Cartesian tensor represents field-free solutions.

eigvecnested dict

Eigenvectors (in dense matrix format) for different J quanta and different symmetries.

NOTE: state selection filters (filter()) are not implemented, and thus have no effect, for eigvec attribute.


for J in eigvec.items():
    for sym in eigvec[J].items():
filter(thresh=None, bra=<function CarTens.<lambda>>, ket=<function CarTens.<lambda>>)

Applies state selection filters to tensor matrix elements

  • thresh – float Threshold for neglecting matrix elements

  • bra – function(**kw) State filter function for bra basis sets (see bra in kwargs of CarTens).

  • ket – function(**kw) State filter function for ket basis sets (see ket in kwargs of CarTens).

tomat(form='block', repres='csr_matrix', thresh=None, cart=None)

Returns full matrix representation of tensor

  • form – str For form = ‘block’, the matrix representation is build as dictionary containing matrix blocks for different pairs of J and symmetries. For form = ‘full’, full 2D matrix is constructed.

  • repres – str Defines representation for matrix blocks or full 2D matrix. Can be set to the name of one of scipy.sparse matrix classes, e.g., repres = ‘coo_matrix’. Alternatively it can be set to ‘dense’.

  • thresh – float Threshold for neglecting matrix elements when converting into the sparse form.

  • cart – str Desired Cartesian component of tensor, e.g., cart = ‘z’ or cart = ‘xx’. If set to None (default), the function will attempt to return a matrix representation of the corresponding potential (i.e., product of tensor and field)


nested dict or 2D array

For form = ‘block’, returns dictionary containing matrix blocks for different pairs of J and symmetries. For form = ‘full’, returns 2D matrix.


Returns assignments of bra and ket basis states


form – str Form of the assignment output (see form argument of CarTens.tomat() function)



Assignments of bra and ket states, respectively. For form = ‘block’, assign[J][sym][‘m’] and assign[J][sym][‘k’] contain list of m and ro-vibrational quantum numbers, respectively, for states with given values of J quantum number and symmetry sym. For form = ‘full’, assign[‘m’], assign[‘k’], assign[‘sym’], and assign[‘J’] contain list of m quanta, ro-vibrational quanta, symmetries, and J values for all states in the basis. The ordering of elements in assign1 and assign2 lists corresponds to the ordering of rows and columns in a matrix returned by CarTens.tomat() function.

Return type:

assign1, assign2

full_form(mat, repres='csr_matrix', thresh=None)

Converts block representation of tensor matrix into 2D matrix form

  • mat – nested dict Block representation of matrix for different values of bra and ket J quanta and different symmetries

  • repres – str Set to the name of one of scipy.sparse matrix classes to output the matrix in sparse format, e.g., sparse = ‘coo_matrix’ or ‘csr_matrix’. Alternatively set to ‘dense’.

  • thresh – float Threshold for neglecting matrix elements when converting into sparse form.



2D matrix representation.


Converts 2D tensor matrix into a block form


mat – array (numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix) 2D tensor matrix.


nested dict

Block form of tensor matrix, split for different values of bra and ket J quanta and different symmetries.


In-place multiplication of tensor with a scalar arg

field(field, thresh=None)

In-place multiplication of tensor with field

The result is stored in the attribute mfmat.



array (3)

Contains field’s X, Y, Z components


Threshold for neglecting field’s components and their products, as well as the elements of the resulting product tensor.

vec(vec, matvec_lib='scipy')

Computes product of tensor with vector

  • vec

    nested dict Dictionary containing vector elements for different J and symmetries.

    for J in vec.keys():
        for sym in vec[J].keys():
            print( vec[J][sym].shape == self.dim2[J][sym] ) # must be True

  • matvec_lib – str The python library to use for SpMV. By default, this is set to ‘scipy’. Alternatively this can be set to ‘numba’ or ‘cupy’.


nested dict

Resulting vector, has same structure as input vec.


Multiplication with scalar (mul()), field (field()) and vector (vec())


Sum with another tensor CarTens


Subtract another tensor CarTens

store(filename, name=None, comment=None, replace=False, replace_k=False, replace_m=False, store_k=True, store_m=True, thresh=None)

Stores object into HDF5 file

  • filename – str Name of HDF5 file.

  • name – str Name of the data group, by default, name of the variable will be used.

  • comment – str User comment.

  • replace – bool If True, the existing in file complete tensor data group will be replaced.

  • replace_k – bool If True, the existing in file K-tensor data sets will be replaced.

  • replace_m – bool If True, the existing in file M-tensor data sets will be replaced.

  • store_k – bool If False, writing K-tensor into file will be skipped.

  • store_m – bool If False, writing M-tensor into file will be skipped.

  • thresh – float Threshold for neglecting matrix elements (M and K tensors) when writing into file.

read(filename, name=None, thresh=None, **kwargs)

Reads object from HDF5 file

  • filename – str Name of HDF5 file.

  • name – str Name of the data group, by default the name of the variable will be used.

  • thresh – float Threshold for neglecting matrix elements when reading from file.


State filter for bra basis sets (see bra in kwargs of CarTens).


State filter for ket basis sets (see ket in kwargs of CarTens).

richmol.field.filter(obj, bra, ket, thresh=None)
Applies state selection filters to input Cartesian tensor


  • objCarTens Cartesian tensor.

  • bra – function(**kw) State filter for bra basis sets (see bra in kwargs of CarTens).

  • ket – function(**kw) State filter for ket basis sets (see ket in kwargs of CarTens).



New Cartesian tensor with applied state filters.

Rotational density (rotdens)

richmol.rotdens.dens_grid(h, alpha, beta, gamma)

Computes rotational densities |Ψ*Ψ'| on a grid of Euler angles (α, β, γ).

richmol.rotdens.psi_grid(h, alpha, beta, gamma)

Computes wave functions on a grid of Euler angles (α, β, γ).

richmol.rotdens.dens_grid(h: CarTens, alpha: ndarray, beta: ndarray, gamma: ndarray, diag_only: bool = False, form: str = 'block') Union[Dict[Any, Any], ndarray]

Computes rotational densities |Ψ*Ψ'| on a grid of Euler angles (α, β, γ).

  • h (CarTens) – Cartesian tensor representing rotational or rovibrational field-free solutions.

  • alpha (np.ndarray) – Values of the Euler α angle in radians.

  • beta (np.ndarray) – Values of the Euler β angle in radians.

  • gamma (np.ndarray) – Values of the Euler γ angle in radians.

  • form (str, optional) –

    Determines the format of the output. - ‘block’: Returns a dictionary with densities grouped by J and symmetry. - ‘full’: Returns densities concatenated across different J and symmetry.

    Default is ‘block’.

  • diag_only (bool, optional) – If set to True, only diagonal densities |Ψ*Ψ| are calculated. If False, all diagonal and non-diagonal elements |Ψ*Ψ'| are calculated. Default is False.


Densitties on the grid of Euler angles. If form is ‘block’, it returns a dictionary. For ‘full’, it returns a 5D array if diag_only is False, and a 4D array if diag_only is True. See examples below.

Example for ‘block’:

dens = dens_grid(h, alpha, beta, gamma, form='block')
assign1, assign2 = h.assign(form='block') # bra and ket state assignments
for (J1, J2), dens_J in dens.items():
    for (sym1, sym2), dens_sym in dens_J.items():
        assgn1 = assign1[J1][sym1]
        assgn2 = assign2[J2][sym2]
        for istate in range(dens_sym.shape[-2]):
            for jstate in range(dens_sym.shape[-1]):
                print(J1, sym1, istate, assgn1['m'][istate], assgn1['k'][istate], "  |  ",
                      J2, sym2, jstate, assgn2['m'][jstate], assgn2['k'][jstate], "   ",
                      dens_sym[ia, ib, ig, istate, jstate])
                      # where `ia`, `ib`, and `ig` are indices of Euler angles α, β, γ

# for diagonal-only contributions

dens = dens_grid(h, alpha, beta, gamma, form='block', diag_only=True)
assign1, assign2 = h.assign(form='block')
for (J1, J2), dens_J in dens.items():
    for (sym1, sym2), dens_sym in dens_J.items():
        assgn1 = assign1[J1][sym1]
        assgn2 = assign2[J2][sym2]
        for istate in range(dens_sym.shape[-1]):
            print(J1, sym1, istate, assgn1['m'][istate], assgn1['k'][istate], "  |  ",
                  J2, sym2, istate, assgn2['m'][istate], assgn2['k'][istate], "   ",
                  dens_sym[ia, ib, ig, istate])
                  # where `ia`, `ib`, and `ig` are indices of Euler angles α, β, γ

Example for ‘full’:

assign, _ = h.assign(form='full')
J, sym, m, k = [assign[key] for key in ('J', 'sym', 'm', 'k')]

dens = dens_grid(h, alpha, beta, gamma, form='full')
for istate in range(dens.shape[-2]):
    for jstate in range(dens.shape[-1]):
        print(istate, J[istate], sym[istate], m[istate], k[istate], "  |  ",
              jstate, J[jstate], sym[jstate], m[jstate], k[jstate], "   ",
              dens[ia, ib, ig, istate, jstate])
              # where `ia`, `ib`, and `ig` are indices of Euler angles α, β, γ

# for diagonal-only contributions

dens = dens_grid(h, alpha, beta, gamma, form='full', diag_only=True)
for istate in range(dens.shape[-1]):
    print(istate, J[istate], sym[istate], m[istate], k[istate],
          dens[ia, ib, ig, istate])
          # where `ia`, `ib`, and `ig` are indices of Euler angles α, β, γ

Return type:

Union[Dict[Any, Any], np.ndarray]

richmol.rotdens.psi_grid(h: CarTens, alpha: ndarray, beta: ndarray, gamma: ndarray, form: str = 'block', sum_over_vib: bool = True) Union[Dict[Any, Any], ndarray]

Computes wave functions on a grid of Euler angles (α, β, γ).

  • h (CarTens) – Cartesian tensor representing rotational or rovibrational field-free solutions.

  • alpha (np.ndarray) – Values of the Euler α angle in radians.

  • beta (np.ndarray) – Values of the Euler β angle in radians.

  • gamma (np.ndarray) – Values of the Euler γ angle in radians.

  • form (str, optional) –

    Determines the format of the output. - ‘block’: Returns a dictionary with wave functions grouped by J and symmetry. - ‘full’: Returns wave functions concatenated across different J and symmetry.

    Default is ‘block’.

  • sum_over_vib (bool, optional) – If set to True, the returned function sums over basis set contributions with different vibrational quanta. If False, these contributions are kept separately in the leading dimension of the output array. Default is True.


Wave functions on the grid of Euler angles. If form is ‘block’, it returns a dictionary. For ‘full’, it returns a 5D array, if sum_over_vib is False, and a 4D array, if sum_over_vib is True. See examples below.

Example for ‘block’:

psi = psi_grid(h, alpha, beta, gamma, form='block', sum_over_vib=False)
assign, _ = h.assign(form='block') # state assignment
for J, psi_J in psi.items():
    for sym, (psi_sym, vib_ind) in psi_J.items():
        assgn = assign[J][sym]
        for istate in range(psi_sym.shape[-1]):
            print(J, sym, istate, assgn['m'][istate], assgn['k'][istate],
                  psi_sym[iv, ia, ib, ig, istate])
                  # where `ia`, `ib`, and `ig` are indices of Euler angles
                  # α, β, γ, and `iv` is vibrational basis index

Example for ‘full’:

psi = psi_grid(h, alpha, beta, gamma, form='full')
assign, _ = h.assign(form='full') # state assignment
J, sym, m, k = [assign[key] for key in ('J', 'sym', 'm', 'k')]
for istate in range(psi.shape[-1]):
    print(istate, J[istate], sym[istate], m[istate], k[istate],
          psi[ia, ib, ig, istate])
          # where `ia`, `ib`, and `ig` are indices of Euler angles α, β, γ

Return type:

Union[Dict[Any, Any], np.ndarray]

TROVE bindings (trove)

richmol.trove.CarTensTrove([filename, ...])

To initialise Cartesian tensor operator from TROVE output files.

class richmol.trove.CarTensTrove(filename=None, matelem=None, coefs=None, **kwargs)

To initialise Cartesian tensor operator from TROVE output files.

TROVE format includes ‘states file’, containing information about rovibrational energies and assignments, and ‘matrix elements files’, containing rovibrational matrix elements of an operator. Matrix elements for different pairs of angular momentum J (or F) quanta are stored in different files.

This is a subclass of richmol.field.CarTens class.

  • filename – str Name of states file.

  • matelem – str In TROVE output format, matrix elements of Cartesian tensors for different values of bra and ket J (or F) quanta are stored in separate files. The argument matelem provides a template for generating the names of these files. For example, for matelem = ‘me<j1>_<j2>’, the following files will be searched: ‘me0_0’, ‘me0_1”, “me1_0”, ‘me2_0’, ‘me2_1’, and so on, i.e. <j1> and <j2> will be replaced by integer values of bra and ket J quanta, respectively. For half-integer values of the F quantum number, replace <j1> and <j2> in the template by <f1> and <f2>, these will then be substituted by the floating point values of bra and ket F quanta rounded to the first decimal.

  • coefs – str Name of file containing rovibrational coefficients, used to for plotting rotational densities and wavepackets.

read_states(filename, coef_file=None, **kwargs)

Reads states file (rovibrational state information) and optionally file with rovibrational coefficients, which is used for estimations of rotational density function (mainly for plotting)

  • filename – str Name of states file.

  • coef_file – str Name of coefficients file. This file is used to estimate rotational probability density functions.


State filter for bra basis sets (see bra in kwargs of CarTens).


State filter for ket basis sets (see ket in kwargs of CarTens).


Threshold for neglecting matrix elements when reading from file.

read_trans(filename, thresh=None, **kwargs)

Reads matrix elements of Cartesian tensor

NOTE: call read_states() before read_trans() to load rovibrational states information stored in states file.

  • filename – str Matrix elements of Cartesian tensors for different values of bra and ket J (or F) quanta are stored in separate files. The parameter filename provides a template for generating the names of these files. For example, for filename = ‘me<j1>_<j2>’, the following files will be searched: ‘me0_0’, ‘me0_1’, ‘me1_0’, ‘me2_0’, ‘me2_1’, and so on, i.e. <j1> and <j2> will be replaced by integer values of bra and ket J quanta, respectively. For half-integer values of the F quantum number, replace <j1> and <j2> in the template by <f1> and <f2>, these will then be substituted by the floating point values of bra and ket F quanta rounded to the first decimal.

  • thresh – float Threshold for neglecting matrix elements when reading from file.


State filter for bra basis sets (see bra in kwargs of CarTens).


State filter for ket basis sets (see ket in kwargs of CarTens).

Time-dependent solutions (tdse)


Class for time-propagator

class richmol.tdse.TDSE(**kwargs)

Class for time-propagator

_t_startint, float

Starting time of time-propagation

_t_endint, float

Terminal time of time-propagation

_dtint, float

Time-step of propagation


Factor to convert time into units of second


Factor to convert energy into units of Joule


Lower borders, upper borders and centers of time-intervals to propagate over


Matrix exponential of the field-free part used during split operator approach


Initializes TDSE object


Generates time-grid to propagate on

init_state(H, **kwargs)

Generates initial state vectors

update(H, vecs, **kwargs)

Propagates vectors by one time-step


Generates time-grid to propagate on


grid_type – str type of time grid



times at which to evaluate Hamiltonian

Return type:


init_state(H, **kwargs)

Generates initial state vectors

Initial state vectors are eigenfunctions of Hamiltonian H. If

temp is None, all eigenfunctions are returned unweighted. If temp is 0, only lowest energy eigenfunction is returned. If temp is > 0, all eigenfunctions are returned Boltzmann- -weighted.


Hfield.CarTens Hamiltonian operator


Temperature in Kelvin


Collective threshold below which to neglect higher energy states


Zero-point energy, by default lowest eigenvalue of H is taken



Initial state vectors (each row represents an initial state)

Return type:


update(H, vecs, **kwargs)

Propagates vectors by one time-step

  • HCarTens Hamiltonian operator

  • vecs – list Vectors to propagate in time


Field-free Hamiltonian operator (default: None)


See vec()


The propagator to use during computations. Set to ‘internal’ for in-house Lanczos implementation (see _expmv_lanczos()) or set to external for expokit (see zhexpv())

tolint, float

See _expmv_lanczos()



Vectors propagated in time

Return type:


Spectra (spectrum)

richmol.spectrum.FieldFreeSpec(filename[, ...])

Class for field-free spectrum

class richmol.spectrum.FieldFreeSpec(filename, matelem=None, names=None, **kwargs)

Class for field-free spectrum


Name of the HDF5 file from which tensor data is loaded. Alternatively, one can load tensor from the old-format ASCII files, by providing in filename the name of the richmol states file and in matelem a template for generating the names of the richmol matrix elements files.


In the old-format, matrix elements of Cartesian tensors for different values of bra and ket J (or F) quanta are stored in separate files.

names: list

Names (str) of two data groups in HDF5 file. First name represents group name of field-free data, while second name represents group name of matrix element data.


Name of the HDF5 file to which results are written.


The type of coupling moment (‘elec’, ‘magn’). Set to ‘elec’ by default.


The order of coupling moment. If matelem is given, order will be deduced from matelem. Else must be specified here (‘dip’, ‘quad’).

j_minint, float

The minimum value of J (or F). Set to 0.0 (for integer) or 0.5 (for half-integer) by default.

j_maxint, float

The maximum value of J (or F). Set to 1.0 (for ‘dip’) or 2.0 (for ‘quad’) for integer by default. Set to 0.5 (for ‘dip’) or 1.5 (for ‘quad’) for half-integer by default.

e_maxint, float

The maximum value of energy. Set to 1.0e9 by default.


The units of coupling moment. Set to ‘Debye’ by default.

linestr_threshint, float

The linestrength threshold below which to neglect transitions. Set to 0 by default.

abunint, float

The natural terrestrial isotopic abundance. Set to 1.0 by default.

tempint, float

The temperature. Set to 296.0 by default.

part_sumint, float

The total internal partition sum. Set to 1.0 by default.

filters: list

User defined filtering functions for transitions. The folowing keyword arguments are passed into the filter functions:


Symmetries of bra and ket state.


Qstrs of bra and ket state.

Set to [def all_(**kwargs): return True]

abs_intens_threshint, float

The absorption intensity threshold below which to neglect transitions. Set to 0 by default.

__init__(filename, matelem=None, **kwargs)

Initializes field-free spectrum object, computes assignments.


Computes linestrengths.


Computes, filters and plots absorption intensities.


Writes results into ASCII file.


Wrapper for computing assignments and linestrengths.


The linestrength threshold below which to neglect transitions. Set to 0 by default.

abs_intens(temp, part_sum, **kwargs)
Wrapper for computing, filtering and plotting absorption


  • temp – int, float The temperature.

  • part_sum – int, float The total internal partition sum.


Natural terrestrail isotopic abundance Set to 1.0 by default


User defined filtering functions for transitions (see filters in kwargs of field_free_spectrum).

threshint, float

The absorption intensity threshold below which to neglect transitions. Set to 0 by default.


Writes assignments and spectrum into ASCII files.


form – str The file format of the ASCII file. Set to ‘default’.