Molecule input

One can define molecule using one of the following ways

  1. Provide Cartesian coordinates of atoms, dipole moment, polarizability, etc., referring to the same (user-defined) coordinate frame. These can be almost routinely obtained from quantum chemical calculations.

  2. Provide spectroscopic constants (\(A\), \(B\), \(C\), \(\Delta_{J}\), \(\Delta_{J,K}\) …) and dipole moment, polarizability, etc., in the coordinate frame of principal axes of inertia (PAI).

  3. Provide spectroscopic constants (\(A\), \(B\), \(C\), \(\Delta_{J}\), \(\Delta_{J,K}\) …) and dipole moment, polarizability, etc., which are not in the PAI frame. In this case, Cartesian coordinates of atoms defined with respect to the same frame as dipole moment, polarizability, etc., must be provided, although they will be used only for ‘rotating’ the coordinate frame to the PAI system.

from richmol.rot import Molecule, mol_tensor

Cartesian data

Here is an example for water molecule using data obtained from a quantum chemical calculation

water = Molecule()

# Cartesian coordinates of atoms
water.XYZ = ("bohr",
             "O",  0.00000000,   0.00000000,   0.12395915,
             "H",  0.00000000,  -1.43102686,  -0.98366080,
             "H",  0.00000000,   1.43102686,  -0.98366080)

# dipole moment (au)
water.dip = [0, 0, -0.7288]

# polarizability tensor (au)
water.pol = [[9.1369, 0, 0], [0, 9.8701, 0], [0, 0, 9.4486]]

print("Masses and Cartesian coordinates of atoms")
for atom in water.XYZ:
    print(atom['label'], atom['mass'], atom['xyz'])
Masses and Cartesian coordinates of atoms
O 15.99491462 [0.         0.         0.06559636]
H 1.0078250322 [ 0.         -0.7572668  -0.52053088]
H 1.0078250322 [ 0.          0.7572668  -0.52053088]

By default, calculations are carried out for the main isotopologue. To specify a non-standard isotope, put the corresponding isotope number next to the atom label, for example, “O18” for oxygen-18 or “H2” for deuterium

# example of D2^{18}O
D2_18O = Molecule()
D2_18O.XYZ = ("bohr",
             "O18",  0.00000000,   0.00000000,   0.12395915,
             "H2",   0.00000000,  -1.43102686,  -0.98366080,
             "H2",   0.00000000,   1.43102686,  -0.98366080)

print("Masses and Cartesian coordinates of atoms")
for atom in D2_18O.XYZ:
    print(atom['label'], atom['mass'], atom['xyz'])
Masses and Cartesian coordinates of atoms
O18 17.999159613 [0.         0.         0.06559636]
H2 2.0141017781 [ 0.         -0.7572668  -0.52053088]
H2 2.0141017781 [ 0.          0.7572668  -0.52053088]

One can also read/store the geometry from/to XYZ file

# store Cartesian coordinates of atoms into XYZ file
water.store_xyz("", "some comment line")

# read Cartesian coordinates of atoms from XYZ file
water2 = Molecule()
water2.XYZ = ""

print("Masses and Cartesian coordinates of atoms")
for atom in water2.XYZ:
    print(atom['label'], atom['mass'], atom['xyz'])
Masses and Cartesian coordinates of atoms
O 15.99491462 [0.         0.         0.06559636]
H 1.0078250322 [ 0.         -0.7572668  -0.52053088]
H 1.0078250322 [ 0.          0.7572668  -0.52053088]

Coordinate frame

The molecular frame embedding, i.e., orientation of the \(x\), \(y\), \(z\) axes with respect to molecule, can be altered using frame. The tensor properties dip for dipole moment and pol for polarizability tensor (and few others) will be automatically rotated to a new coordinate frame whenever the latter is changed.

The frame can be defined by its name, e.g., frame="ipas". One can use the name of a Molecule attribute containing a (3x3) arbitrary rotation matrix, e.g., water.rotmat=[[0,0,1],[1,0,0],[0,1,0]]; frame="rotmat". A third option is to combine a linear operation with the name of an attribute, e.g., water.pol = [[9.1369,0.3,-0.01],[0.3, 9.8701,0],[-0.01,0,9.4486]]; frame="diag(pol)" will rotate frame to the principal axes of polarizability (i.e., frame where water.pol tensor becomes diagonal). Axes permutation is also a frame rotation, e.g., frame="zxy" performs (123) permutation of the axes. Several examples are shown below.

# change frame to inertial principal axes system (ipas)
water.frame = "ipas"

# or equivalently
water.frame = "diag(inertia)" # reads as: frame where the inertia tensor is diagonal

print("coordinates of atoms\n", water.XYZ)
print("dipole moment\n", water.dip)
print("polarizability\n", water.pol)

print("inertia tensor\n", water.inertia)
coordinates of atoms
 [('O', 15.99491462, [ 0.        ,  0.06559636,  0.        ])
 ('H',  1.00782503, [-0.7572668 , -0.52053088,  0.        ])
 ('H',  1.00782503, [ 0.7572668 , -0.52053088,  0.        ])]
dipole moment
 [ 0.     -0.7288  0.    ]
 [[9.8701 0.     0.    ]
 [0.     9.4486 0.    ]
 [0.     0.     9.1369]]
inertia tensor
 [[ 0.61496945 -0.         -0.        ]
 [-0.          1.1558806  -0.        ]
 [-0.         -0.          1.77085004]]

Multiple frame operations can be combined together, for example, we can rotate to the inertial principal axes system and then permute \(x\) and \(z\) axes

water.frame = "ipas"
water.frame = "zyx"

# or equivalently in one line (with operations performed form right to left)
water.frame = "zyx,ipas"

print("coordinates of atoms\n", water.XYZ)
print("dipole moment\n", water.dip)
print("polarizability\n", water.pol)

print("inertia tensor\n", water.inertia)
coordinates of atoms
 [('O', 15.99491462, [ 0.        ,  0.06559636,  0.        ])
 ('H',  1.00782503, [ 0.        , -0.52053088, -0.7572668 ])
 ('H',  1.00782503, [ 0.        , -0.52053088,  0.7572668 ])]
dipole moment
 [ 0.     -0.7288  0.    ]
 [[9.1369 0.     0.    ]
 [0.     9.4486 0.    ]
 [0.     0.     9.8701]]
inertia tensor
 [[ 1.77085004 -0.         -0.        ]
 [-0.          1.1558806  -0.        ]
 [-0.         -0.          0.61496945]]

The principal axes system can be defined with respect to any rank-2 symmetric matrix. For example, in many cases it is convenient to choose molecular frame such that polarizability tensor becomes diagonal

water.frame = "diag(pol)" # reads as: frame where tensor 'pol' is diagonal

print("coordinates of atoms\n", water.XYZ)
print("dipole moment\n", water.dip)
print("polarizability\n", water.pol)
coordinates of atoms
 [('O', 15.99491462, [ 0.        ,  0.06559636,  0.        ])
 ('H',  1.00782503, [ 0.        , -0.52053088, -0.7572668 ])
 ('H',  1.00782503, [ 0.        , -0.52053088,  0.7572668 ])]
dipole moment
 [ 0.     -0.7288  0.    ]
 [[9.1369 0.     0.    ]
 [0.     9.4486 0.    ]
 [0.     0.     9.8701]]

We can also define a custom rotation matrix or principal axis matrix, as demonstrated below

import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as la

# generate random matrix
mat = np.random.rand(3,3)

# random rotation matrix
water.custom_rot = la.expm((mat - mat.T)/2)

# random symmetric matrix
water.custom_pam = (mat + mat.T)/2

# use 'custom_rot' (orthogonal) matrix to rotate the frame
water.frame = "custom_rot"

# alternatively use 'custom_pam' (symmetric) matrix as principal axes matrix
water.frame = "diag(custom_pam)"

Multiple occurences of frame assignments lead to the accumulation of corresponding frame transformations. Use frame=None or frame="None" to reset the frame to the one defined by the input Cartesian coordinates of atoms

water.frame = "diag(inertia)" # rotate to ipas
water.frame = "zxy" # then permute axes (123)

# now we want to permute axes (23) in the original frame, reset frame rotation
water.frame = None
water.frame = "xzy"

# or equivalently in one line
water.frame = "xzy,None"

[('O', 15.99491462, [ 0.        ,  0.06559636,  0.        ])
 ('H',  1.00782503, [ 0.        , -0.52053088, -0.7572668 ])
 ('H',  1.00782503, [ 0.        , -0.52053088,  0.7572668 ])]

Only certain molecule properties (such as dip, pol, inertia, XYZ, and few others) are automatically rotated when the frame is altered. This is demonstrated in the following example

water.vec = [1,2,3]
water.mat = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]

water.frame = "zyx,null"

# axes permutation (13) does not affect vec and mat, but dip
print("vec\n", water.vec)
print("mat\n", water.mat)
print("dip\n", water.dip)
 [3. 2. 1.]
 [[9. 8. 7.]
 [6. 5. 4.]
 [3. 2. 1.]]
 [-0.7288  0.      0.    ]

To declare a custom Cartesian tensor which is dynamically rotated to a new frame, use mol_tensor function

water.vec = mol_tensor([1,2,3])
water.mat = mol_tensor([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]])

water.frame = "zyx,null"

# axes permutation (13) now affects also vec and mat
print("vec\n", water.vec)
print("mat\n", water.mat)
print("dip\n", water.dip)

# we can then change vec and mat values, they will still be dynamically rotated
water.vec = [7,8,9]
water.mat = [[11,12,13],[14,15,16],[17,18,19]]

print("\nnew vec\n", water.vec)
print("new mat\n", water.mat)
 [3. 2. 1.]
 [[9. 8. 7.]
 [6. 5. 4.]
 [3. 2. 1.]]
 [-0.7288  0.      0.    ]

new vec
 [9. 8. 7.]
new mat
 [[19. 18. 17.]
 [16. 15. 14.]
 [13. 12. 11.]]

Rotational constants

The rotational constants \(B_x\), \(B_y\), \(B_z\) (in units of cm\(^{-1}\)) can be calculated from the input molecular geometry using B. This will work only when the molecular frame is set to the inertial principal axes system, i.e., when the inertia tensor is diagonal

water.frame = "diag(pol)" # frame where polarizability tensor is diagonal
print(water.B) # works, because inertia tensor happens to be diagonal in the selected frame

water.frame = "diag(inertia)"
print(water.B) # the rotational constants in the inertia frame will be sorted in ascending order
[9.519512542010801, 14.584230612810305, 27.412141069544163]
[27.412141069544163, 14.584230612810305, 9.519512542010801]

B can be also used to assign user-defined values to the rotational constants, for example, experimental values. Once assigned, B will always return the user-defined values. To access the values of rotational constants calculated from molecular geometry, use B_geom

print("water.B ", water.B)
water.B = (27.877, 14.512, 9.285) # user-defined rotational constants in units of cm^-1
print("water.B ", water.B)
print("water.B_geom ", water.B_geom)
water.B  [27.412141069544163, 14.584230612810305, 9.519512542010801]
water.B  [27.877, 14.512, 9.285]
water.B_geom  [27.412141069544163, 14.584230612810305, 9.519512542010801]

Important: If rotational constants were assigned to user-defined values, the rotational Hamiltonian is built using these values and not the molecular geometry input

For linear and spherical-top molecules, use B to print and assign the rotational constant

ocs = Molecule()
ocs.B = 0.20286 # experimental value

ocs.XYZ = ("angstrom", "C", 0, 0, 0, "S", 0, 0, -1.56, "O", 0, 0, 1.16)
print(ocs.B_geom) # calculated value

print("molecule is linear ?:", ocs.linear()) # True if molecule is linear
[0.20286, 0.20286, 0]
[0.20317859211971495, 0.20317859211971495, 0]
molecule is linear ?: True

If molecular geometry is specified, the user-assigned rotational constants are always verified to agree within the 5% difference with the values calculated from the input molecular geometry. Here is an example of an error when the assigned and calculated constants do not match

water2 = Molecule()
water2.B = (27.877, 9.285, 14.512) # user-defined rotational constants in units of cm^-1

water2.XYZ = ("bohr",
              "O",  0.00000000,   0.00000000,   0.12395915,
              "H",  0.00000000,  -1.43102686,  -0.98366080,
              "H",  0.00000000,   1.43102686,  -0.98366080)

water2.frame = 'ipas' # inertia principal axes system
print("inertia frame")
print("calculated Bx, By, Bz", water2.B_geom)
print("input Bx, By, Bz     ", water2.B)
inertia frame
calculated Bx, By, Bz [27.412141069544163, 14.584230612810305, 9.519512542010801]
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-51-a0f2da6fa694> in <module>
     11 print("inertia frame")
     12 print("calculated Bx, By, Bz", water2.B_geom)
---> 13 print("input Bx, By, Bz     ", water2.B)

~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/richmol-0.1a1-py3.8-linux-x86_64.egg/richmol/rot/ in B(self)
    316         """
    317         try:
--> 318             self.check_B()
    319             return self.B_exp
    320         except AttributeError:

~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/richmol-0.1a1-py3.8-linux-x86_64.egg/richmol/rot/ in check_B(self)
    346             err = "\n".join( abc + " %12.6f"%e + " %12.6f"%c + " %12.6f"%(e-c) \
    347                              for abc,e,c in zip(("Bx","By","Bz"), B_exp, B_geom) )
--> 348             raise ValueError(f"input rotational constants disagree much with geometry\n" + \
    349                 f"        inp          calc       inp-calc\n" + err) from None
    350         return

ValueError: input rotational constants disagree much with geometry
        inp          calc       inp-calc
Bx    27.877000    27.412141     0.464859
By     9.285000    14.584231    -5.299231
Bz    14.512000     9.519513     4.992487

This can be fixed, for example, if we swap \(y\) and \(z\) axes

water2.frame = 'xzy,ipas'
print("inertia frame")
print("calculated Bx, By, Bz", water2.B_geom)
print("input Bx, By, Bz     ", water2.B)
inertia frame
calculated Bx, By, Bz [27.412141069544163, 9.519512542010801, 14.584230612810305]
input Bx, By, Bz      [27.877, 9.285, 14.512]

Centrifugal distortion constants

The following Watson-type asymmetric top Hamiltonians in the \(A\) or \(S\) standard reduced form are implemented (they can also be easily modified and extended to incorporate higher-order terms)

  • A-form: \(H_A = H_\text{rigrot} - \Delta_{J} J^{4} - \Delta_{JK} J^{2} J_{z}^{2} - \Delta_{K} J_{z}^{4} - \frac{1}{2} [ \delta_{J} J^{2} + \delta_{K} J_{z}^{2}, J_{+}^{2} + J_{-}^{2} ]_{+} + H_{J} J^{6} + H_{JK} J^{4} J_{z}^{2} + H_{KJ} J^{2} J_{z}^{4} + H_{K} J_{z}^{6} + \frac{1}{2} [ \phi_{J} J^{4} + \phi_{JK} J^{2} J_{z}^{2} + \phi_{K} J_{z}^{4}, J_{+}^{2} + J_{-}^{2} ]_{+}\)

  • S-form: \(H_S = H_\text{rigrot} - \Delta_{J} J^{4} - \Delta_{JK} J^{2} J_{z}^{2} - \Delta_{K} J_{z}^{4} + d_{1} J^{2} (J_{+}^{2} + J_{-}^{2}) + d_{2} (J_{+}^{4} + J_{-}^{4}) + H_{J} J^{6} + H_{JK} J^{4} J_{z}^{2} + H_{KJ} J^{2} J_{z}^{4} + H_{K} J_{z}^{6} + h_{1} J^{4} (J_{+}^{2} + J_{-}^{2}) + h_{2} J^{2} (J_{+}^{4} + J_{-}^{4}) + h_{3} (J_{+}^{6} + J_{-}^{6})\)

The type of Watson reduction can be specified using watson. The centrifugal constants are defined as molecule attributes DeltaJ, DeltaJK, DeltaK, deltaJ, deltaK, HJ, HJK, HKJ, HK, phiJ, phiJK, phiK, d1, d2, h1, h2, h3. Here is an example of setting Watson A-type Hamiltonian for water using values from NIST

from richmol.rot.molecule import Molecule
from richmol.rot.solution import solve
from richmol.convert_units import MHz_to_invcm
import sys

# NIST values of rotational constants for H2O (in MHz)

water = Molecule()
water.B = MHz_to_invcm(835840.288, 435351.717, 278138.700)

water.watson = 'watson_a' # or 'watson_s' for S-type

water.DeltaJ = 37.59422 * MHz_to_invcm()
water.DeltaJK = -172.9128 * MHz_to_invcm()
water.DeltaK = 973.29052 * MHz_to_invcm()
water.deltaJ = 15.210402 * MHz_to_invcm()
water.deltaK = 41.0502 * MHz_to_invcm()
water.HJ = 1.56556e-2 * MHz_to_invcm()
water.HJK = -4.2081e-2 * MHz_to_invcm()
water.HKJ = -5.09508e-1 * MHz_to_invcm()
water.HK = 3.733028 * MHz_to_invcm()
water.phiJ = 7.79579e-3 * MHz_to_invcm()
water.phiJK = -2.5165e-2 * MHz_to_invcm()
water.phiK = 1.0971 * MHz_to_invcm()
[ ]: